Pressure–cooker bonding

A portly pressure cooker of the TTK Prestige stable occupies a pride of place on our kitchen counter. He is a good egg, and renders yeoman service to my wife. On Saturdays, she shows him greater attention because without his coaxing the potatoes in his belly will not cook, and my wife cannot make those crispy, yet succulent beetroot cutlets for dinner – a Saturday special!

This Saturday, the pressure cooker guy acted surly. He was upset because the lock- pins had not been inserted properly into the grooves, and the lid got jammed. My wife tried might and main, but could not open the lid. Exasperated, she kept the cooker aside and got busy in getting the lunch ready.                        

The cooker is jammed and the boiled potatoes are in it,” announced my wife as I entered the house with the weekly shopping.

Why couldn’t you be careful?” I admonished her. The day was unusually hot and I could sense the tiredness souring my mood.

“I don’t know how it happened,” she replied, sounding helpless.

 Following a quick examination of the cooker, I knew the task was beyond me.

“I’ll have to take it to the service centre,” was my verdict.

Placing the cooker with its cargo of boiled potatoes in a shopping bag, I trudged off, silently. The bulging bag looked as if I was transporting puppies or piglets, except that there was no yelping or squealing.

The Prestige service centre was about 850 meters away, on Sai Temple Road, Ulsoor. As I placed the cooker on the counter, the service technician demanded:

What’s in it?” worried that the cooker would disgorge some stinky, revolting stuff.

Boiled potatoes,” I replied, reassuringly.

Relieved, he took up a sturdy hammer and delivered three powerful blows at each of the locking pins.

“Was he going t crack open the cooker?” I wondered anxiously

Then, with a powerful twist of the handle, he yanked the lid open. In five minutes, the cooker job was done and dusted! Elated, I thanked the technician profusely and hurried home, double quick.

Love and gratitude, in generous measure, greeted me at the door. As I placed the cooker on the kitchen counter, my wife hugged me warmly.

“What’s that for?” bemused, I asked her.

“You are such a sweetheart,” she said approvingly. “You don’t know,” she continued,” how overwhelmed I was when you left with the cooker, without a murmur. “How many men,” she posed,” can get things done without mumbling and grumbling?” “I was grumbling with the cooker all the way,” I replied jokingly.

Such silly events occur routinely at every home. One can fix it amiably or make a song and dance about it. Guided by sense and sensitivity, most domestic issues can be resolved without splitting hairs. When good sense prevails one’s approach is rational and realistic. Sensitivity ensures that one is responsive to the sentiments of the spouse while arriving at a solution. Devoid of sense and sensitivity, one tends to become hysterical and historical. While hysterical outbursts of screaming and crying disturb the sober atmosphere of a home, historical references to the partner's failings of the past, which have no bearing on the present situation, will only serve to leave a bruised and battered ego. Hence the best option would be to heed Nike’s call:

Just do it!”

It will draw the couple closer and strengthen their bond of love and understanding. What’s more? A hug and a kiss could be your sweet reward!


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